Welcome to Cardiff based, RCW Reclamation.
Architectural Salvage, and reclaimed construction materials supplier
Your low cost supplier in reclaimed goods in South Wales
We supply reclaimed wood In Cardiff
Reclaimed Bricks in Cardiff
Reclaimed Stone in Cardiff
Reclaimed Steels in Cardiff
Reclaimed flooring in Cardiff
Reclaimed UPVC windows and doors in Cardiff
Reclaimed Welsh Slate
Reclaimed Welsh Stone
Reclaimed Welsh Flag Stones.
Have a look around our site, at our latest stock
Please note before contacting us, we do not buy off the general public, we are supplied solely by the trade.
We make discounts for bulk buying.
Please contact Ryan Christopher on 07866043059 to save vast sums compared to other reclamation centres.
We are Cardiff Based, and open when a call is made to view our stock.